Your Account >


All billing and subscription info is controlled and managed by Apple. Also, all of your subscription auto-renewal information is always visible and available through your Apple ID profile in the Apple Settings app. If you have any questions or concerns about billing or subscription auto-renews, please get in touch directly with Apple as Morpholio does not have access to any of your financial or subscription information.

How to Manage Your Subscription

Follow the steps below to view, manage, or cancel your subscription on your iPad or iPhone.

Step 1. Open the App Store App

Your subscription is managed by Apple and can be accessed in the App Store app. It is not managed in the Morpholio Board app.

Step 2. Tap Your Name

Tap on Your Photo or Name on the bottom left to access your Apple ID account information.

Step 3. Open Account Settings

Click on "Account Settings" to see and manage your purchases.

Step 4. Open Subscriptions

Across from "Subscriptions", click on "Manage" to see and manage your subscriptions.

Step 5. Manage Your Board Subscription

Click on on "Morpholio Board" to view and manage your Board subscription.

Additional Resources

How To…Get Your Board Subscription on Your Other Devices

Read More Here >

Version: 5.0

Why Morpholio Board for Architects and Interior Designers?

Morpholio Apps are not only the best apps for architects, interior designers, decorators and landscape designers, they also now work as a perfect compliment to, and seamlessly with, all of your favorite architectural and interior design software. This includes Autodesk AutoCad, Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, Pinterest, Adobe Photoshop, Shapr3D, UMake and many more. In addition, your Apple iPad, iPhone and Apple Pencil will never be more exciting to use as Morpholio’s suite of drawing, design and mood board apps become even more essential in your design process.